Originally Posted by Briana
I was diagnosed when I was 9 with a mild case of Tourettes Syndrome and again when I was 14 and it is back again. Not fun.
I have been made fun of my whole life from it. Because I use to clear my throat constantly, then i would blink hard, and now I twitch a lot.
I have learned to get through life with it. I can't control what happens. I just have to live with it.
I always believe (and so do my friends) I have depression, but I wont get diagnosed.
There was someone who i work with who i never noticed but recently he has been twitching. i just assumed he did some nasty drug and that did it to him. i did not realize that it could be some problem that is not his fault
this makes me sad because he was really fun to talk to but now i am a little scared of him
. well he seems to be able to talk to other people.
anyways. yeah. i am pretty sure i have some dissorder
lol when i was in the mental health unit of the hospital
lol it realyl fun there. especially when you try to sneak out!! lol well the ther people said they were pretty sure that i had some kind of disorder. i got highs and lows every day and would be wild in the morning. lol. but as long as i keep a high level of strees in my life. i am more steady emotionally. i always down on the inside and happy on the outside. and if i sadd on the out side and someone notices i change it! lol
Well i think i have some mental disorder becasue why else would i be suicidal and think suicidal thoughts even when everyone else would say i am the happiest person in the world.