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Name: Amanda Kate
Age: 32
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Location: VA, USA

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Re: Questions for the LGBT communtiy - November 16th 2009, 03:32 AM

1.How would you describe your current sexuality?
I consider myself to be bisexual.

2.At what age did you first start questioning?
Now, this is a loaded question. I think that you can't "chose" to be gay and that you are born this way. Therefore, supporting that, you'd say I've known all my life. I have known. When I was a child, I always remember looking at women and thinking they're pretty or wanting to kiss the girls on the playground. However, I was not raised in a tolerant household. I pushed those feelings aside because that was not what my family considered to the norm. I wanted to follow their standards and be a good daughter, pleasing my father. When I was about 14 however, I started to question everything I'd ever believed and realized that the feelings I had for women were real and not something that I could push aside.

3.What events lead up to the point where you decided you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
I'd probably say that I came to the grand conclusion that I was bisexual when I became involved with a female friend from the internet (that sounds so awful, but it wasn't). Needless to say, she really opened me up to things because she is a lesbian. Without her, I would have struggled a lot more.

4.When was your first relationship with someone the same sex?
I haven't had a real relationship with a woman. As mentioned in the prior question, I was involved with a girl for sometime when I was about fourteen.

5.How did you finally conclude/know that you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
I think that I came to the conclusion because of the "can of worms" she opened up with that. I'm not complaining, because I would have realized it eventually. I was bisexual all along, my feelings were just shoved under a rug because of the beliefs that were instilled in me since I was a small child.

5.When did "come out"?
Ah, another tough question. I've never officially "came out". My family has no idea. I've told some friends, some friends have just figured it out you know? On Facebook, however, I do have my profile set to say that I am interested in both men and women. I am friends with a couple of my teachers and girls that I have coached on softball teams. That is hidden from them, but for the most part everyone can view it.

6.How did your friends and family act when they heard? Did people treat you different?
Well, I've had a lot of guys refuse to date me because of it. Not that it matters, because if they are prejudiced like that then I wouldn't have been interested in the first place. For the most part, things have stayed the same. I do have some girl friends who don't/won't change in front of me for gym or whatever. With a lot of straight girls, I'm not even attracted to them because I know there is no chance so why bother?

7.Any tips for those who are still questioning?
Experiment. Step out there. Talk to someone. Get your emotions on paper. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter who you are attracted to. Don't feel the need to instantly stick a label on yourself. Just be comfortable with who you are, regardless of your sexuality.
