Re: friend wants to die. nothing works. -
November 9th 2009, 09:04 PM
Anyway, it's hard to say what would be best for your friend, especially since we don't know the circumstances of his situation. Why does he feel like death would be better than the life he's living now? Is he depressed for unknown reasons, or is he being abused/neglected? Does he have a traumatic past?
Don't stop talking to him and trying to get through to him. Make sure you keep letting him know that you care and that you want him around. If it seems like he might be serious about taking his own life, then talk to his parents or another trusted adult. I know a lot of times, people get angry if you "butt in" and tell someone, but in the end you will be saving his life and he'll have a much better chance of getting the help he needs to get better.
I would suggest NOT using his girlfriend as a reason for him to stay alive. First of all, because suicidal people can easily rationalize suicide by saying that people will be better off or get over it in time. Second, because you don't know what the future holds, and if for some reason they break up, he could be pushed right back into this feeling. Make sure you give him reasons to live that are about HIM and how he deserves to be here and can get through anything as long as he keeps trying.
Aš tave myliu, Nanny. I'm carrying your love with me.
Last edited by Prozac; November 9th 2009 at 09:10 PM.
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