Re: what do you want to do before you die? -
November 6th 2009, 02:28 PM
Just want to be known...
Certiantly wouldn't mind actually making it in the music world, and being able to get up on stage and say "fuck you mom and dad, fuck you school, fuck you guidence couselors, fuck you friends and ex friends, fuck you everyone who said I couldn't make it, fuck you world. I don't need you"
Yeah, I cuss a lot... but it emphasizes the point.
(I don't want the fame, or even the fortune. If I was rich one day I'd probably give most of it away to charity. I actually like the idea of living in a little cramped apartment lol but I really just want to do what everyone and myself says I can't, and do something with my life!)

Take me seriously.
I dare you.
Last edited by TheBabyEater; November 6th 2009 at 02:34 PM.