Originally Posted by Natalie Cain
Hey Ivan!
My friend used to be on antidepressants and well, I have to say, that she told me that they didn't work at all after a while. The thing about antidepressants are that they work in the beginning and then, they lose effect, but they get you addicted.
Such things depend largely on the person taking the medication and what medication they are taking. For instance, TCAs (Tricyclic Antidepressants) are much more dangerous in overdoses than MAOIs, SSRIs, and Second Generation Antidepressants. SSRIs are particularly not dangerous in overdoses. Also, the effectiveness of the medication will vary from person to person. In a situation like what happened with your friend, the prescribing doctor should have changed to another medication.
Antidepressants are actually restoring a balance, although like I said they are altering your brain chemistry permanently.