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Name: Amanda Kate
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Re: Belly button ring will NOT come out - November 1st 2009, 05:19 PM

Originally Posted by daddys_lilsoldier View Post
I had that problem with my bellybutton ring as well. It made me so mad haha. But I used latex gloves and got it unscrewed. I did have to try to unscrew it for about 2 mins then stop then try again, I repeated that like 4 times haha. But its bc I was already so frustrated I couldnt focus. So yeah, try latex gloves.
I'm going to have to look for some latex gloves. Hmm. The only time I've ever seen them is in a big box and I'd hate to buy a big box when I only need like, one.

I had my friend take a pair of pliers to the ball yesterday. No luck. I tried it myself. We had the ball in a good grip and I was holding the bottom to keep the bar from moving around. I couldn't hold it still, she only succeeded in twisting the piercing instead of getting the ball off.

I'm going to get my aunt and another friend to try. After that I'm going to give up and go to the piercer. When that will be, I don't know. The place is like an hour away and I go to the mall about twice a year, so it'll be a pain to go. We might go before Christmas to pick out gifts so maybe I'll get it out then. I'd hate to take a special trip though. :-(
