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udontno Offline
I can't get enough
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Name: Amanda Kate
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Belly button ring will NOT come out - October 31st 2009, 03:27 AM

So, I bought a new belly button ring and I was really, really excited about changing it. However, I can NOT get the ball unscrewed for the life of me. I've tried wrapping a towel around it and unscrewing it, I've tried using my fingers, and I just tried the Band-Aid trick (something I found on Google ). I know everyone is going to tell me to go to the piercer and get him to change it, but there is a slight problem. The place is an hour away at the mall and I go there about twice a year.

A friend told me to get a pair of pliers and get someone else to try to unscrew it for me. I'm thinking that might be my only option but I won't have anyone that would do it until tomorrow morning. So I guess I'll have to see.

Anyone else have any suggestions? Or comfort? I'm disappointed.
