Junior TeenHelper ****
Age: 30
Gender: Other
Posts: 249
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Join Date: January 6th 2009
Re: Say something you wish you could say... Volume 2! -
October 22nd 2009, 05:52 PM
A shot of vodka, or a can of beer?
Neither, havent drank either
Would you consider yourself an adventurous person?
errmm..not really no
What does your last text say..?
'Hey.Did you get your case study back in science?' thats as personal as this survey gets.
Would you consider yourself heartless?
When's your birthday?
5th October 
If you could go on date with any celebrity, who would it be?
Kristen Stewart, hands down. <3
If you woke up and no one was home, would you wonder where everyone is?
Have you ever been drunk at work?
Have you ever hit a parked car?
If you just drank 15 beers, what would you be doing?
being drunk?
Would you take a road trip with your friends?
Yes! I really would like that
Which do you prefer: french toast, bagels, or cereal?
Do you have photos up around your room, of who?
Of the family, me as babies and stuff
If your extremely quiet, what does that mean?
means im thinking or concentrating
Do you have a hard time controlling your emotions?
No i dont think so
What do you think of Eminem?
Eh, don't really care
Does it make you mad when people stare at you?
No but it makes me confused
Do you prefer pens or pencils?
pens all the way
Last person you were in the car with?
err my sister i think
What is your middle name?
mei li
What time did you wake up this morning?
about 10am
Last time you listened to country music?
goodness, dont know.
Do you laugh at your own jokes?
yeah when they are lame
How tall are you?
about 5ft
How many drugs are in your system?
none (i think )
What are you wearing?
jeans,t shirt and jacket
Who called you last?
maybe my dad, not sure
Do you own sunglasses?
2 pairs
Where is the next place you will travel to?
What were you doing at 8:00 this morning?
Do you say sexy a lot?
very very very rarely
Do you want to cut your hair?
yes, in fact im getting it cut tomorrow
You get a text at 4AM saying "come outside." What do you do?
well it depends who its from i guess.
Whats your favorite thing to do in the summer time?
chill at home like the indoorsy person i am
You just won 100 million dollars. Where do you go?
to the BANK! 
Do you get overly emotional about small things?
yeah i can