Originally Posted by suniesha
Idk if you can call is a religion. Scientology is for people who believe in the power of them self and the world really.. All I know, (even if I'm wrong about what it is exactly) is I don't think it should really have a church.
To answer this, I once again pull out my trusty dictionary:
1 a (1)
: the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance
b : the state of a religious <a nun in her 20th year of ~>
2: a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices
3 archaic : scrupulous conformity
: conscientiousness
4: a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith
From this, we can deduce that Scientology is a religion, since it fills at least one of these definitions. To continue:
1: a building for public and esp. Christian worship
2: the clergy or officialdom of a religious body
3: a body or organization of religious believers: as
a: the whole body of Christians
b: Denomination
c: Congregation
4: a public divine worship <goes to ~ every Sunday>
5: the clerical profession <considered the ~ as a possible career>
They are in fact, "
a body or organization of religious believers," as evidenced from the definition of the word religion. This automatically makes them a type of church.