Hey there!
First off, welcome to the site! If you've got any problems or you have any questions bug one of the users with
green usernames, they're buddys and are occasionally (

) very useful at informing people out the site works! (I'm only joking, they do an awesome job!) Also, if you ever need anything or just fancy a chat feel free to message me or anyone else on the site and I'm sure we'll all be happy to talk to you
Secondly, your thread

I think its brilliant that you're trying to get into a healthier lifestyle, its so easy to slip into bad habits that although its tough getting out of them I'm sure you can do it! Don't be afraid to sit down and talk to your parents about this, I'm sure they want what is best for you even if it means changing their lifestyle. Also if their heating habits are unhealthy too then a change might be good for them. Try and stick to set, planned meals. Make time for breakfast and don't snack inbetween. As long as you are healthy and sensible I'm sure this will be fine!
We don't have any weight loss/exercise threads around the site that I know of, as they can be triggering to some users who are suffering from Eating Disorders. Also as you are new to the site I advise you glance over the Terms of Service which can be found
here and the Code of Conduct which can be found
here, in these rules it does mention that any figures such as weight or sizes cannot be posted on the site at any time, it will lead to an infraction/warning. Just bear that in mind.
Other than that I hope you like it here, and you get to find some really brilliant friends

Good luck also with the healthy eating!
Tegan xo