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Brandon Offline
I can't get enough
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Name: Brandon
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Re: Sex Without a Condom? - October 15th 2009, 08:44 PM

I've only had sex with two different women, one time with a condom...the other time without (she wasn't on birth control, so I put myself into huge risk...but I didn't go inside of her and there's a very high chance that she's not pregnant based on the results and that she started her period 3-4 days ago so...thank God for that). I think that there's gotta be SOME kind of protection going on, and that's great that you were on the birth control, because I almost fucked myself big time.

With that being said, I couldn't really tell a noticeable difference between wearing a condom and not wearing a condom. It was warmer and possibly slight better feeling, but I couldn't really tell. But there's a lot of factors when it comes to sex, so it's always possible that I just wasn't aroused enough and all this shit. I could of went all day with her, lol.