Originally Posted by Taz1992
for girls:
If someone who was one of your best mates told you they liked you... would you stop talking to them and then be spiteful when they tried speaking to you? lmao
Nope. I've actually had this situation come up. We're still very good friends
Originally Posted by Stephen
Does a year of age REALLY matter to you girls?
Like would you go out of with guy one year younger?
Thanks in advance(:
Hm... it depends. Right now, it's definitely a turn off. However, I wouldn't completely rule it out. Like already mentioned, it's more about maturity.
Originally Posted by Matthew
ok one for the girls:
Do you prefer personality over looks?
Both are important. You really can't be attracted to someone if you find them ugly, but you can't be attracted to someone if their personality is ugly. Personally, I find that if a start to get to know a guy with an attractive personality I will find him more attractive physically.