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Re: Could anyone help me design a tattoo - September 26th 2009, 04:10 PM

Hey Deedlit,

Sorry it took me so long to get this to you, but here is the rough design of the dragon so far. Now, this is only the rough sketch of the dragon itself- not the tattoo- because I want to know if this is what you are looking for (still keeping in mind that this is a rough draft). So if there are any changes you would like me to make to the dragon itself, this is the best time to let me know. So if you don't like the eye- tell me! The tail? I can change that! You just need to let me know

Rough sketch:

Alright, after I know if you would like anything changed, I'll work on the pose of the dragon. I know you want the tail curling around your wrist, so I'll make sure that happens. But I also will draw a few pictures of the dragon sitting, lying down, crouching, stretched cat-like and stuff. Then after you choose which pose you'd like, I'll finalize it and colour it (and I'm sure I've got a purpley red somewhere, so no worries ).

I know this is only a design and that you are thinking over getting a tattoo still, so if you do change your mind about it that is perfectly fine- I wont be upset. What I will do, is design it anyway . If you like it, you can use it, if not, then don't worry about it.

Sound good?
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