Originally Posted by Chels
Question for the guys...
What are the MOST and LEAST attractive things a girl can do or say in the beginning stages of a relationship???????
I know it's different for everyone, just want your opinions.
Hello Chels,
Well do you mean like once your in a relationship or before that. I'll just answer once your going out because that's what you asked. If you meant otherwise just say and i'll discuss what i find attractive before relationships.
Beginning of a relationship. Well I can't say for sure not having ever been in a relationship, but here it goes.
Most Attractive: is a girl wanting to spend time together, but not necessarily constantly like being clingy. It also depends because if you have similar interests and know what your talking about I'm more inclined to spend time with you and I know I've been clingy to girls in the past lol so. Also, I think holding hands and hugging is fine early on. It depends who you are and the situation. A girl who listens, but also puts input into the conversation is good.
what I would find Least Attractive: is a girl who tries to kiss right away with me because I think you shouldn't just kiss for the heck of it and saying I Love You early isn't good either. It should be right time, being clingy can be annoying as I already mentioned, also with me though I like it when I make a girl laugh, but if they don't know the difference between something that isn't and is supposed to be funny isn't attractive.
Also, If I didn't like your personality and or physical appearance, I wouldn't be in a relationship and the point of a relationship and loving each other is to see past your loved ones flaws
Good Luck ^_^
Hope I helped a little with that.
Like you say everyone is different and sees things differently.