Thread: Lonely
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Adel Offline
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Re: Lonely - September 12th 2009, 05:17 PM

I don't know what to think anymore, who I am, what I was; Its just like this abyss thats in my heart and thank you for replieing, I needed someone anyone. I feel as if i'm being pushed up against a wall.
I don't even know what "love" is anymore, I'm afraid of life, of living, many questions pop into my head "Who am I? Should I tell someone? Would anyone believe me" Nothing I do seems to make my life any easier. Its like each step I talk, it'll come down and haunt me in the end.
I can't tell my parents because I know they are going to get mad and yell at me, I can't tell my friends, cause I know they are going to spread rumours and be really vicious about it. No one ever seems to care about me, my sanity is gone, rather it feels like it and it's hard for me not to assume the worst, because I've always seen the "reality" of things. I feel as if i'm spiriling down into an abyss that I can't climb out of...