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FeelsLikeFalling Offline
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Name: Rachel
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Location: New Zealand

Posts: 83
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Join Date: May 25th 2009

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - September 2nd 2009, 09:25 AM

I miss you. Me and you, we used to pretty much live with each other.
Half the week at my house, then we'd switch, and spend the rest of the time at your house. We used to spend every second of every day together. We would spend our entire holidays just laughing and having fun, every now and then letting someone else into our little twosome. And it was great. You have been there for me for some of the worst moments of my life, you've seen me at my best, and my worst. And you always stuck around. And I'm not stupid, I knew it couldnt stay like that forever, people change. But now its been months. And we talk about once a month, if that. And the conversations are never real, we never have anything important to say. I just put on a smile and pretend everything is okay, when its not. Because you're happy now, you love him, but.. It makes me feel like crap, because I notice that the only time you truly have a conversation with me is when you and him are fighting. Other people notice it too.. I'll say to someone 'oh, im just on the phone to tash', and their response will be 'oh, so what happened with her and the boyfriend this time'. I don't want things to be how they used to be, I just want to feel like I'm still on your radar occasionally. I miss you.

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”

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