Monster., I prayed for him. I hope God will guide him in His grace to contentment.
My prayer is not only a request this time, rather an expression of gratitude; I'd like to share it with you guys.
Now everytime someone tries to "prove" me there's no God, I'd like to tell them this story, but it's too bad I promised my friend to shut my mouth about it. Oh well. See.. there's a wish I've had since the beginning of this year's spring. It was burning deep inside my heart like a torch and for the first time in my life, it's really given me HOPE (in relation to 'that matter'). I felt that it wasn't a coincidence (it's fate right

), and I prayed to God constantly to at least in some way, somehow make this wish come true.
Sometimes, I myself lost faith that it could really happen. Friends (religious as atheistic ones), they all told me the same: "Loire, it's IMPOSSIBLE that this would ever happen. I mean, I know that for God, nothing's impossible, but, still... you know what I mean, don't you? Oh Loire... listen, there are just some things in life... that are meant for someone else, okay?"
(I have nice friends, haven't I? Always so optimistic. LOL)
But my wish was granted on the 20th of August, that means exactly 11 days ago, and it already feels like a very long time
When I realized what had happened, my hands (I'm not lying) began to tremble and I could feel my legs shaking. My eyes started to fill with tears and I was on the edge of crying!! (Which would have been embarrassing, because my whole school would have seen me.)
I was speechless, but a thought repeated over and over in my mind: "Almighty Lord, THANK YOU. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU."
My dear TeenHelp users making prayers in this thread, NOTHING's impossible. It's too bad I promised to keep silent about it, but maybe you can just believe me that it was indeed an (almost!) impossible wish to be granted - I really understand my friends why they had been trying to "wake me up". (Haha, my English is bad as usual.) If MY prayer could be granted, then yours will be surely, too. And if not - remember that God always knows best. So this will be my request: I pray that someone of you can get as happy as I am right now =) Everytime a bad thought comes up, I immediately remember this awesome miracle. God is great and good, keep the faith everyone =)