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Broken_Smile Offline
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Name: Keisha
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Location: Pennsylvania

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Join Date: January 10th 2009

How were You Bullied? - January 18th 2009, 04:28 PM

I remember a thread like this before on TH.
Anywho, feel free to share your storie(s) here.

My Story......
Well, I was born three months early with a severe vision impairment (I'm legally blind, with glasses) that can't be fixed, and as a result, I have no control of my left pupil.

In elementary school, you know how most younger kids are. I was teased in elem. due to my left eye thing.
Middle school hit, and my best friend- J. (grrr) left me for the "Preppy" girls. We still don't talk.

Middle school wasn't the greatest.
There were a ton of Preps and Jocks in my grade, and most of them were (and still are) ass holes.
In seventh grade, J. made fun of my small chest size in front of her friends. I was kind of embarressed, and very insecure about my body.

Now, I'm in ninth grade. I've changed over the past year into a darker style. People have some-what matured, and they now leave me alone about my body.

I've been diagnosed with major depression, PTSD, and I'm a self-harmer, and all the suicide and self-harm jokes p-ss me off.

I'm very quiet, and luckily I've made some very supportive friends this year that have the same interests and music tastes as me.

Some kids on my bus gossip about me, call me "Emo" (I have a better sense of hearing to compromise for my vision impairment) and I accidentally forgot to cover my cuts, so now most of the bus knows I'm a self-harmer.

And lastly, J.G. (intials) a kid in my karate class (same grade as me) kept bashing Hawthorne Heights (my favorite band), making cutting gestures at me, and insulted me about my Emo-ness.

A few weeks ago, I was getting ready to punch him but Steve (another guy, also in my grade) held me back and then talked to J.G and now he pretty much leaves me alone now.

^^^Sorry for my ramble (story)
I just had to get that out.