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John 6:29 Offline
Romans 2:6-8
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Re: thoughts on science and religion - August 22nd 2009, 10:43 PM

Originally Posted by Double X View Post
I am not sure whether to facepalm or laugh. This graph is So you think some people lived to be 900 years old?
Yes, the Bible says so. I'm not going to argue, but there are also genetic factors that God may have given man back then that were not passed down post flood.

There are many explanations for this both in Christian resources and non-Christian resource of possible reasons why people lived this long pre-flood. Both have very logical answers and reasoning behind it. If you wish to research it feel free. These answers also give reasons behind fossilization, and why the universe may appear billions of years old, when in fact may be much less. Personally I do not know how old the earth is but I do not believe it to be billions. Mainly by simple observations, for example... the moon is getting further and further from the earth each year. Which means if the earth is billions of years old this means that the moon at one point collided with the earth.

Whether you consider this absurd or not, there are many scholars both secular and Christian who believe the flood to be a fact, and that people lived much longer pre-flood than post flood. If you are truly interested there are resources out there that you can look up. And about the lunar cycle I was actually disagreeing with this. And as far as cancer etc, this can be explained if you look up resources. Basically it is the vast change of environmental issues that have caused these diseases. It is not possible that years were considered a lunar cycle if you read my example.

But coming from a Christian perspective...
Luke 18:27
"But He said, 'The things that are impossible with people are possible with God.'"

Last edited by John 6:29; August 22nd 2009 at 10:52 PM.