Originally Posted by chevyguy350
ill start with the big bang. the theory doesnt say wht started it. which leaves that open for god. next we have creation. it happened in 7 days according to the bible but science says it took millions of years. since a day is how long it takes for the earth to make 1 rotation the earth could haverotated very slow. also time could have been distorted.
The theory does explain what it started with. It was started with matter. The Universe is constantly expanding, which means it was once so condensed that because of heat and being in such a confined space that the it exploded. But it does not say where the matter came from, which is where it leaves an open end for a Creator, but not God of the Bible, because it goes into great detail how the world was made, and the days were 1 day and 1 night, 24 hours. It explains this in Genesis 1 and 2. Time could have been distorted but if this were the case if the earth rotated any slower things would have not been able to live on earth, because there would have been less gravity which means we probably would have flown off if the rotation of the earth truly slowed down to give the impression of the world being billions of years old.
Although it is possible to believe the earth is billions of years old and still believe in the bible. Creationist tend to believe the earth is no later than 10,000 years old based off the Jewish calendar, but a Calendar may obvious exclude certain events etc. And the earth could be much older than it is. The Bible gives no definite answer for this, as some might claim.
But both are theories that I personally don't believe will be answered without faith. Either faith in science or faith in God. The reason I say this is for example, science may come up with an answer, but it doesn't mean it is completely true. Scientist used to believe that everything revolved around the earth, and this was considered a scientific fact, but we now know this isn't a fact at all... just because technology is advancing does not mean that science is 100% accurate. There may be signs that point to a big bang or a Creator but one will never know except by faith.
My personal beliefs anyways.