Re: Prayer Requests Thread Volume II -
August 21st 2009, 01:22 AM
I just come to you with my hands raised high for you. I want to thank you for being so faithful and great. I want to thank you for helping me overcome temptation and for fighting off my pain. God, I pray for the people of TeenHelp. I pray that you are with them, and that they will find the permanate place in their hearts for you. Christians or not, I pray that you help them and that you use me to get through to them. I am going to serve you forever God. I have already changed so much for you, and now I want you to use me to help them. Everyone on this website needs you God. For some people, it's not enough to hear and believe. They need to see you, and hear your gentle voice. They need to feel your arms around them, and your presence with them at all times. Please God. I pray that you help them, and that you will let them know that their prayers are being heard, and that even though the answer might not come right away, you heard, and are working. Let them know patience is a virtue. Let them talk to you, and find you God. I pray for everyone on this website, and especially the people who are coming here asking for prayer God.
In your name.
When you can't find your way home, and when life gets too hard to face on your own. I will stand as a light through the darkness unknown, I will walk with you, so you're never alone.