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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - August 20th 2009, 03:11 PM

Originally Posted by WhySoSerious? View Post
"How is school?" -- I hate this question. Especially from my extended family, seriously, it makes NO difference to you. And if I say "It's okay" then they get pissy when they find out I was lying, and if I say "It's been better" they go "Why, what are you doing wrong?"

"Do you have a boyfriend?"
-- Yes. For god's sakes, I have to say so a million times before anyone remembers. And then there's the questions which follow afterwords! "How old is he?", "Is he rich?", "Does he go to your school?". No he doesn't live in my country even, "HOW ARE YOU DATING THEN" and "HAVE YOU MET HIM? IS HE A PEDOPHILE?" .... Just. Ugh. (Plus I hate how they act like if I didn't have a boyfriend, then that isn't right or it isn't normal.)

I remember the days of saying "no" to that question as well, it was always followed by...

"Do you like girls?" uh, yeah. But I don't really want to talk about it with you.
Quoted for truth times infinity! I loathe it when older ladies ask me where I go to school, and when I grudgingly, unwillingly tell them where I go, they're like, 'Oh, that's that rich school! You must like it, huh?" And I hate my school. What's worse is that my mom always wears this proud smirk on her face whenever I have to tell someone where I go to school. I guess it makes her feel like she's rich.

And I hate it when people ask me if I like girls. Notice it's always girls that ask me, especially the preppy ones. If I said yes, what would they do? Tell everyone at school? Of course. They know I know they would do it, and yet they still ask me- probably trying to corner me in just for fun.

I also got this conversation once:

Classmate: Do you have a bf?
Me: No.
Classmate: Aww, (puppy dog eyes) does that mean you're not getting married?