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August 19th 2009, 06:50 AM
Chris i know you prolly dont care, but i miss you so much. and i love you with every piece of my heart and every piece of my soul. ive tried to get over you but i cant, im tired of crying every night. i want you back. you have no idea how much i love you... you never did. all those times you said you loved me more couldnt have been true or you'd still be with me... you dont get it... i need you. i dont want to live without you. i just cant do this. i want you back more then anything. i would give ANYTHING for you to. i dont get how you could tell me you loved me so much and that you loved me more then i loved you and that i was the most amazing person in the galaxy then TWO days later break my heart. i miss your kisses, your hugs, your eyes, your smile, your smell, your cuddling, your talks, your voice, your hair, your muscle, the way you made me smile, the way you made feel like i was the happiest girl alive, the way you looked into my eyes and told me you loved me, the way you breath, the way you walk, the way you held onto me even when i tried to push you away, the way you tried to make me feel better when i was sad, the way you told me i was beautiful even when i looked like shit, the way you would stay up and talk to me all night, the way you teased me, the way you joked, how you never made me do anything i didnt want to, i miss every single thing about you... i miss when we watched fire works together and just layed down by the tree and cuddled, and the only thing i looked at was you not the fireworks, i would give anything to go back to that night... i miss you so fucking much. and the whole time ive been typing this ive been crying. i want you back why cant you just give us another chance? what happend to being in a serious relationship? being on the motorcycle and going thru bumps in the road and potholes and brick walls? getting through whatever came our way? i dont understand what i did... all i did was love you unconditionally. you have no idea how hard being friends with you is... everytime we talk i cry you know.. and everytime we dont i cry... i just cant stop crying. but i want you to be happy... god... i love you chris, and i always will no matter what, i just wish you felt the same.... </3