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Name: Vicki
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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - August 19th 2009, 03:08 AM

"What are you doing?" -- I'm always asked this when I'm on the phone, it's like "Uh, I'm on the phone.... to you.... I was doing something fun, but now I'm being forced to talk to whoever you are when you are actually calling for my mother."

"What's that on your legs?" -- Think before you ask a question like that, list off all the possible things that could have happened and either you'll find a satisfying answer, or realize that I may not want to tell you what it is.

"How is school?" -- I hate this question. Especially from my extended family, seriously, it makes NO difference to you. And if I say "It's okay" then they get pissy when they find out I was lying, and if I say "It's been better" they go "Why, what are you doing wrong?"

"Do you have a boyfriend?"
-- Yes. For god's sakes, I have to say so a million times before anyone remembers. And then there's the questions which follow afterwords! "How old is he?", "Is he rich?", "Does he go to your school?". No he doesn't live in my country even, "HOW ARE YOU DATING THEN" and "HAVE YOU MET HIM? IS HE A PEDOPHILE?" .... Just. Ugh. (Plus I hate how they act like if I didn't have a boyfriend, then that isn't right or it isn't normal.)

And then they ask "What does he look like?" I just get annoyed. Looks shouldn't always be everyone's main concern. And then when I answer, it always leads to them somehow being quizzical about why I'm dating a "black guy" (They can't comprehend the term "mixed race" ) It just pisses me off so much.

I remember the days of saying "no" to that question as well, it was always followed by...

"Do you like girls?" uh, yeah. But I don't really want to talk about it with you.

It's funny because none of these questions are ever asked by people I like either, otherwise it may not piss me off quite as much. It's always the nosy great aunts and stuff....

~Where death is I am not, where I am death is not, so we never meet~

I'd rather die terrified

than live forever.
We will all die so gloriously, that having ever lived will seem like folly.