---New(er) generation:
Oblivion (Fun Fact: My friends say I actually completed a quest in that game while asleep in real life o.0)
Soul Calibur 4
Mass Effect
Oddworld: Stranger's wrath
Super Smash bros melee, and brawl.
Hunter: The Reckoning (Some of the best multiplayer I've ever seen)
---Old(er) Generation:
Crash 1-3 on Ps1
Spyro 1-? on Ps1
Super Smash Bros
Mario 64
Oregon Trail (Only game you could get away with in school,
Aaaaannnd (even though not necessarily a favorite), my first game ever.....
Candyland for the
PC! (My mother frequently reminds me of how she was trying to show me how to use the computer with this game, and I (at the tender age of like 3), retorted with "I dot dis, I dot dis!" (I got this, I got this!)).