It's really not fair for your friend to push religion on you. I can understand where she's coming from though.
I'm religious as well and in my beliefs it is better to be saved and I just want to help kind of spread the word to whoever will listen.. but not everyone's gonna listen, or go convert, and like a bunch of things in life, your belief system is a choice. To me it's like this: not everyone will make the "right" choice (what's "right" depends on who you're talking to) and that's something you (being me or your online friend, etc) have to deal with.
(I'm sorry if the point-of-view thing is kinda unclear.)
So the persistent pushing of the subject on her part shouldn't be happening. She could remain your friend even with the difference of religion but maybe the bigger problem is
how she's treating you. I have a lot of friends of different faiths. One used to believe the same as me but hasn't been actively practicing. I mean, it got me down, and I just let her know if she believes she should follow but it's just a one-time "maybe you should...", you know? Still, she's one of my best friends and it can get awkward if religion comes up in conversation but when it all comes down to it, we're friends. "It's all good."
I really hope I didn't offend you. Hoping also that maybe you understand her point of view a lil more now. I have been in her shoes before and the last thing I want to do is make someone uncomfortable when I'm telling them about how much I enjoy my religion, the benefits I believe are associated with it, whatever. But if you have told her repeatedly that you don't want to convert, she should understand that and if she doesn't you should really talk to her and set her straight.