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TabbyCat Offline
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Re: Pushing Religion - August 15th 2009, 02:29 AM

Originally Posted by YourNightmare View Post
Before I give my answer, your post sounds rather hard to believe. If you have an online friend, then how do you manage to talk to the online friend's father? And if you did, why would that father not ask a bit who you are and not answer you? In fact, you talked to this supposed online friend's father on several occasions. It's hard to believe your situation is true.

But assuming this is somehow true, there's a great advantage to online friends: block them. If you dislike your online friend pushing religion onto you so much, why do you continue to associate yourself with them? Just block them and you've solved the problem. This makes your situation even harder to take seriously.

well I dont like being called a liar when I'm trying to get advice. :P
I was at this other forum, it's a father/daughter relationship forum and I had been talking to her for probably 6 months or so...and she got her dad to come to the computer.
I talked to her even though it was bad, yes. I'm lonely and I don't really have I guess it was better than nothing. I've tried getting people to hang out with me from HS but no one was interested..I try to be friendly and social.