Re: friends with someone who wants everyone of an entire religion obliterated? =/ -
January 17th 2009, 07:03 PM
Well, there's always the chance that he joined the group as a joke in poor taste. If it really bugs you that much, you should talk to him about it.
I have a number of friends who are completely and totally racist, but that's how they feel. Aside from their decision to hate everyone who's black, they're decent folk. We just never talk about race. Or the president. Or anything else that can trigger a very nasty conversation. I have the same relationship with a Mormon friend of mine. Not that she goes around telling me that I'm hellbound (not anymore, anyway). But we just avoid that conversation.
There are some people who honestly and truly hate Jewish folk and wish all the worst on them simply because they are Jewish. And sometimes that encompasses their entire being to make them seriously terrible people. If you feel that your friend is this way, then you make the decision to either see past it and value him for everything else that he is, or eliminate him as a friend.
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When you whisper, you must be absolutely as sincere as when you scream.
