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Re: It's not an eating disorder.. - August 11th 2009, 01:37 PM

Thanks for the reply. I know that I need to make more of an effort. It's usually just that if there is little food in the house or if I'm in a bad mood I'll just not be able to be bothered or won't feel like eating. I'm even like that with simple things, but I know that it's a problem and I need to sort it out. So again, thanks for the reply and I'm going to make a little more of an effort starting from now.

I think that just because I know that if I don't now I won't, I'll go make some food now, actually..

One of my outlook problems was that I'm worried that I'll be eating too much for myself and will feel ill from that, yet won't actually get anything positive from it. However, I'm hoping that I can try to block out negative thoughts..

Thanks again.