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rescueisnotamyth Offline
Junior TeenHelper
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Name: kaylyn
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Location: northern indiana

Posts: 265
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Join Date: February 14th 2009

Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - August 6th 2009, 02:06 AM

"What have you been doing lately?"
-Hmm... living

"What's up?"
-um... I'm on the computer? ((Or you're walking past someone and they say that and you're like "walking to that classroom/building/etc."))

"How are you?"
-Just fine and dandy, how about you?

"What happened?"
-I don't really feel like sharing that with you...

"So are you guys going out?"
-Does it really matter? I do think that it is in my constitutional rights to have guy friends that I am not interested in dating!

"So have you taken Driver's Ed. yet?"
-This question really irks me. So what if I waited until summer to take driver's ed.? I was busy. ((I have now taken it, though.))

-No. My brother and I were just born on the same exact day from the same woman and are the same age.

"Are you guys identical?"
-Clearly you need to go back to biology or something. I am a GIRL, he is a BOY. How can we be identical?

"Are you sure you're twins? You don't look anything alike."
-YES, I am SURE. Why do we have to look alike?

"Is your hair naturally that color?"
-Yes, it has been all my life. ((I have red hair... a lot of red hair... and it's NOT orange. It's red.))

"What are your plans for college?"
-Currently, I have none. Would you like me to go into details of that nothingness?

I need you Jesus
To come to my rescue
Where else can I go?

el rescate no es un mito