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  (#955 (permalink)) Old
20 Dollar Nose Bleed Offline
Half doomed and semi-sweet <3
Regular TeenHelper
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Name: Rhia.
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Location: Birmingham, UK.

Posts: 379
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Join Date: February 11th 2009

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - August 3rd 2009, 03:19 AM

Am I a part time thing to you?
Because if I am then i'd rather that you told me. I wont flip out...not infront of you nyway.
But am I?
I feel like I am.
I hate how your friends act.
I hate the idea of you going out with them and acting like them.
It's the whole reason i've started having my panic attacks again. Did you know that? No you didnt.
Did you know that my problems with food have come back because I want to keep you? Nope, because you don't know I ever had problems with food anyway.
But I did...I do. Not as bad as before but it's there.
Can't you SEE how hard i'm working to keep you happy to be with me?
I'm giving it all to you and losing myself.
But you know what?

You're WORTH it!
I love you.

H a p p i n e s s.
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