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Dream Offline
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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - August 3rd 2009, 02:50 AM

"Why did you come here?".... "Did you drive?"- In reference to the school I go to. The first question insinuates that the school isn't good and the 2nd one is just dumb because it is so far from where I live. It also makes me feel like there is something wrong with me, what I'm studying, and the decisions I make.

"Why don't you have a girlfriend?"- Well, the answer is obviously because I've been rejected several times. I can't think of a better question to make someone feel like crap.

"Do you believe in God?"- For more reasons than I care to go into.

And this one is the worst: "Why are you so quiet?"- I haven't gotten this one in awhile, but when I get it, its really annoying because I really want to talk/be liked/etc. but its hard to come up with stuff to say in certain contexts. It reminds me how difficult it is to relate to people.