Originally Posted by EDGE
So you met him over the internet? For all you know he could be a skinhead,KKK member??
Yeah, the much vaunted Egyptian KKK.
Personally I would either talk to him about it or ignore that facet of his personality. However the chances are that he wouldn't see your point of view even if you talked to him, but it may make you feel better to be able to think "at least I tried". Maybe if you looked at it from his point of view you'd be able to feel less mortified? He lives in a country where anti-semitism is incredibly high due to Israel's proximity and there it's quite a widely held opinion and one I've heard expressed by several people from Egypt, while to us it's obviously abhorent to them it's not so.
While you two will never agree about it there is no reason you can't still be friends, you never have to talk about the subject and you can ignore the fact that it even exists. However if you can't do that then maybe you'll have to block him, it all depends on how you can cope with it?