Thread: depression?
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onlyfoolingmyself Offline
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Unhappy depression? - July 27th 2009, 10:12 PM

dunno where to put this, sorry..
i know this is stupid but i need to say this.. i think i am depressed but i dunno..

i dont know what is happening to me.. it freaks me out.. my dad hates me i know that. he keeps saying things such as 'you should be dead' or 'you are stupid and you dont deserve living' ( and he used to hit me ). since he started to say things like that i feel that i have changed. i used to be calm but now my dad just has to start to talk to me and i freak out ! usually our 'conversation' ends up with yelling and so on.. i yell all the time when i am around my parents. they drive me mad. everything, they say, is my fault. i know it is. but still, it freaks me out. i spend the whole day playing with my 3 years old sister and then my dad says i am never playing with her. so i yell at him. it just makes it worse but i cant help. every day in the night i am sitting alone in my room and cry all the time. i cant sleep anymore. i have no fun at all, and when i laugh it feels like its fake, i dunno..
but the thing is, when i am around my friends i am so different! i never yell, i am happy and i laugh all the time and i am the one who makes everyone laugh. but at home.. i feel broken and empty.
my parents fight sometimes bc of me. i know that.
i am such a failure.
my dad is right. i dont deserve to live. i make people fight and sad and angry.
i am afraid of my dad, maybe he will hit me next time. its so scary when he is angry with me and when he starts saying those things..

lately i dont eat much and cry so much, even after a wonderful day with my boyfriend. he is kinda the only reason why i wont start cutting or harm myself in any way. he is so worried bc i dont eat much and bc i feel so down.

sometimes i just wanna walk away and never return.
i wanna a have a family who loves me, and notice when i am sad and gives me a hug when i need to. like it was used before. (4 years ago actually )
my boyfriend hugged me and then i broke down crying bc i forgot that hugs feel so good when you are feeling sad or just need someone.

i know i am talking shit, sorry if i bothered you.
i feel so stupid for posting this..

And the worst part is
before it gets any better we're headed for a cliff.
And in the free fall
I will realise I'm better off
when I hit the bottom.

this is how we dance when they try to take us down.