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John 6:29 Offline
Romans 2:6-8
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Re: Can you look at religion scientifically, and still believe God exists? - July 26th 2009, 05:52 PM

I must just point out this:
1) His website tell's us he's been arrested for 10 years.
2) You are using wikipedia for a source of information? lol. Did you every go to college? Wikipedia isn't considered a reliable source of information, even though he was arrested for tax fraud.
3) You still ignore my post and say because he has 1 thing wrong in his life therefore everything else in his life is wrong.
4) Are you saying that every scientist in every book is perfect by the laws standard and none of them are in jail? Because I disagree, and if they've gone to jail, clearly they aren't credible.
5) In order to teach you need an accredited degree, therefore if he went to this school, he would not have been allowed to teach.
6) You still ignore my post, and what exactly does this post have to do with the topic? Oh right, nothing.
7) You ignore Hovinds and my arguments to simply say, "Look everyone he lied to he IRS, he's no scientist!"
8) 50% of LEGAL American's do not pay all their taxes, and 38% pay no taxes.
9) Hovind is not my hero, there are several other creationist out there
10) Get your facts straight and don't use wikipedia.
11) Actually read my posts and maybe stay on topic instead of examining what someone did wrong, I do not go to wikipedia and look at scientist who have commited several crimes, and say "look these books aren't credible because they commited a crime" we're all human.

Anyways I just wanted to straighten things up. But I give you credit for trying, again lack of research on your part. And I even admitted that a lot of Hovinds arguments are irrational. However, if someone is truly interested in examining his arguments, you can see a lot of them are true. Hence why you chose to examine his personal life, instead of dispprove his arguments. But anyways I said I wouldn't post anymore, so I'm sorry for posting again. Also, if your post is only directed to me, why post it here? Especially when it has nothing to do with the thread? Just curious anyways I wrote a enormous post above this and it'd be nice if you read it, and maybe talk about that instead of something not relating to this post. But hey, apparently it's okay for you to go off topic, but not for me.

I also must say this before I stop posting. You're correct the IRS won, and Hovind did do wrong by this. Although I do believe the IRS did win, because as a Christian we are required to cheerfully pay our taxes and tithes, and as a result God disciplined him, with jail because he did not do what he was supposed to be doing in the first place. Also, I do not believe Hovind to be saved, simply because he brags through out his video, but he may very well be, it is not my place to judge. But the Bible does not like man to brag, even though he may be right. I just think that through reading your post you come to conclude everything he says to be false, because he is a man, and did something wrong, that many American's are doing as well. If you read my post earlier, I think you can conclude that just because someone is a Christian does not mean they are perfect, they should set an example, even though they don't and many of these "professing Christians" are not truly saved, and some are even pastors and religious leaders. No one is perfect, Christians never claim to be perfect. But thanks for imposing that thought.

Again you are imposing that he is saved, when in reality we have many people professing christians, and aren't saved. Proven in my earlier post. Hovind is one that I believe not to be saved, but it is God's judgment that matters not mine.

You say Scienve VS Creationism, IRS won, they did not win in this discussion. They proven that Hovind is a man just like everyone else. And if you say the IRS/Government won, well look at the other things they have won in. They eliminated religion and prayer from schools, they managed to put us trillions of dollars in debt. Did you know even if we were to tax all the illegals, we would still be in debt? I mean you are upholding government higher than creationism, yet when we were a religious country, we had far less problems, which the argument you are presenting here is called a "red herring" fallacy:
Description of Red Herring

A Red Herring is a fallacy in which an irrelevant topic is presented in order to divert attention from the original issue. The basic idea is to "win" an argument by leading attention away from the argument and to another topic. This sort of "reasoning" has the following form:
  1. Topic A is under discussion.
  2. Topic B is introduced under the guise of being relevant to topic A (when topic B is actually not relevant to topic A).
  3. Topic A is abandoned.
This sort of "reasoning" is fallacious because merely changing the topic of discussion hardly counts as an argument against a claim.

If you want to bring fallacies into the picture, you just committed one.

Again, sorry for any sarcasm, etc, I have provided or any anger that I have shown through out this post's.

Good luck and God bless, I hope you see the truth, but it seems to me that you truthfully don't care what I believe, none the less even what God says. But best of luck to you in this life, and whatever happens in the next. It's been fun.


Last edited by John 6:29; July 26th 2009 at 08:07 PM.