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niente_ Offline
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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - July 25th 2009, 09:45 PM

Originally Posted by Toast View Post
"Why?" I always answer "Why not?"
I say this, especially to my younger friend who constantly asks if things are "normal". I say "Yes, I've been through that too. It just happens". He says "Why?" I say "Why not."

I hate:

Are you really 18? - YES. I look young for my age.

What's up? - Just cos I don't walk around with a massive smile on my face every minute of every day means there is something wrong with me. Geez, I can't relax my face muscles without there being a horrible reason for it.

Do putting in contact lenses hurt? - If they did, would I do it?

(On the phone) Could I speak to Mr (my surname)? - No, because my parents divorced 5 years ago, me and mum moved in to this house and he's never lived here. So why don't you ring his house where he's been living for the past 3 years rather than this house where he's never lived before?

Have you and Richard "done it" yet? - Actually yes, but do you really think I'd tell you just because you asked?

Oh, and as well I HATE it when people go "Cheer up love, it may never happen." I always want to reply "It has happened. You're here."
Cos it's nice to know that you're walking round looking like shit. When you don't feel that way. The person is telling you that you look down right miserable in your natural state, and is saying you should be happy about it.

... Wow, i have quite a lot of hatred

Sometimes it's better to forget how you feel
and remember what you deserve

S. M ... still in my heart, forever