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Re: Can you look at religion scientifically, and still believe God exists? - July 25th 2009, 12:10 AM

Originally Posted by Noctis View Post
First, I would like to impress on you just how much of "everything" there is:

The earth is big yes? I think everyone could agree with me after a nice world tour(which would take several months to visit all the nice vacation spots and attractions like the Grand Canyon and Mt. Everest).

Well about a million earths could fit inside the sun, making it very large indeed. There are roughly 400 billion stars in a single galaxy, and there are 80 billion galaxies in the observable universe.

That is the extent of all there is to "know". Even one billionth of a percent is quite an accomplishment. You'd think that throwing a rocket into space would make you a tad more appreciative of science.

To be equally fair, prove that God is actually responsible for any of the "good" things that happen in life(which can range from your boss giving you a raise, survivors of a tragic event, to someone meeting the love of their life).

If you can't accuse God of being the cause of "bad", you can't credit him for "good" either.

If God lets Hitler into Heaven because he believes, but condemns a saint to hell for disbelief, then this isn't exactly a God that I want to spend an eternity with, and further supports my theory of the "ass-kissing" believer.

I think Deuteronomy is a crowd favorite for "bad literature" in the Bible:

I could say the same about you. I also love people who keep pointing to excessively long videos as though it were a lifeline to avoid imminent death.

The fact that you can't simply quote a piece from the video to directly counter an argument goes to show that while you watched it, you have no understanding of what the guy said.

That's a video of a guy who's full of himself, talks too much, and makes a mockery of science with every other breath he takes.

But I'll humor you.

First, his question on the origin of matter and energy is indeed challenging. But like you said, man only knows a billionth of all there is to know about "everything". The origin of the universe is what I would like to consider as the ultimate discovery of science, it is the most difficult and most challenging question to answer, if not the last mystery of the universe to be answered. Kent seems to be under the delusion that because science can't answer everything, everywhere, right now, it's automatically wrong. Just because there's a question that science can't answer YET, that doesn't make it wrong.

Second, evolution takes millions of years to occur, there's no way to observe it happening. Similarly, star formation also takes millions of years, thus there is equally no way to actually observe it happening within our lifetimes, and the process can only be observed within our own galaxy, which severely limits the "trillions of stars each person on this planet can personally own".

His mention of angular momentum is amusing and horribly misleading, as angular momentum isn't the only force that exists in the universe. The children on the merry-go-round do not have sizable gravitational fields, nor do they generate powerful magnetic fields. At least one of which can have an effect on the rotation of a planet, star, or galaxy. The Big Bang is also more like 10,000 kids crammed in one merry-go-round. When one kid with a clockwise spin hits another kid also with a clockwise spin, which direction do you think they'll go next?

I also like his comment on the ACLU, referring to them as the "American Communist Lawyers Union", actual definition is the "American Civil Liberties Union". He had a nice little picture of the founder, Roger Balwin, with a quote above the picture stating, "Communism is the goal". That quote was no doubt taken out of context from a book he wrote, which CONDEMNED Communism(yes, he was against it and made efforts to purge the Communist Party from the ACLU).

He also made various claims that Creationism can be legally taught in science classes, almost as though it were the truth. No, they can't, or else we'd be seeing it taught everywhere(76% of the United States HAVE identified themselves as Christians after all).

When the guy warps the truth THAT much, it's a pretty safe assumption that most of what he says is a lie, and it's designed to fool the average joe who won't know the truth until he digs through 15 layers of bullsh*t.

I'll be happy to look through the rest of his video and surgically take it apart for everyone to look at when I'm done with work.

The one billionth of everything is just a statistic. It is not proven. And none the less only serves as an example. I am also lead to believe it would be far less of a number of what we actually know, so what you have basically concluded is that it is even more irrational to conclude that there is no God.

Satan is the one who caused the "bad" and is a result of sin. If you read through Genesis, God saw that everything was good. Satan spawned evil from His heart and desired to build a throne above God, and thus sin was started. But either way this is another discussion that is debatable, and we are talking about science. If you read through the book of Job, God allows for bad things to happen in order that people can be made right with God. He uses trials to bring people to Salvation. Don't believe this? It's even evident just by examination. During natural disasters, when 9/11 happened, when hurricane Katrina happened, the aspects you did not see on the news was how many people drastically turned to the Churches, and to God. The Bible says that there will be more rejoicing for 1 person who repents than 99 people who have already repented. God will cause disasters even if it is to save 1 person. Again if you argue about God being the cause of evil and sin read: Genesis 3, Job 1, Ezekiel 28, Romans 8:20-22, James 1:13-17 and allows these things because of Romans 8:28.

If you would have read my post above, you would see that just because someone believes in God does not mean they are saved. Salvation comes through repentance, and Faith. In James 2:19 it says that even the devils believe, but we all know devils are not in Heaven, God cast them out.

I do not see what you are trying to prove through Deutoronomy, but I will respond to this in 1 second. Let me point out that my statement was as follows: "The translations have not changed any core meaning of the Bible, if you believe this provide me a verse and I will disprove it. Again watch the video." So you're argument with Deut. proves no argument against this. The Bible, though has many translations, has not changed the context of the core meaning of the Bible. Again, as an example with the world being flat. Science believed the world was flat, had they read the Bible they would have found out the earth is round, and upon discoveries they changed to believing that the earth was round and not flat. Science also used to believe that if you were sick you have bad blood, so they would cut people to make them bleed out their "bad blood" which eventually lead to deaths. If they would have believed Leviticus 17:11 that says that a creatures life is in their blood, maybe that would have prevented this belief in science, but none the less they found out blood is good upon discoveries so they have changed their general concepts and belief throughout time, and the Bible has not.

I am assuming you are trying to prove that God is evil in this passage. Perhaps you did not read the rest of this story in Deutoronomy these people God is talking about were enemies of Israel and they made false idols instead of worshipping God. Even in the first verse it say's to offer them peace, but they didn't... they chose war. Labor and slavery back in these times was different then when Jesus came into existence and far different from slavery as we have seen it progress. Slaves in these times were actually taken care of. They were more like employees, then slaves, and they were payed. But God was furious with them because they had made false idols. Which in Matthew 22:36-48 we see that God says the most important commandment is to love God, it doesn't say love things of this world or false idols, but to love God. And in Leviticus 19:4, Exodus 20:23, Exodus 34:17, Leviticus 26:1, Psalms 96:5, Psalms 115:4, etc God warns everyone about having idols and false gods. These people were in direct violation with God's number 1 law. If God's wrath is so divine and Hell is separation from God, and people who do not obey God's commands are going to hell, which is far worse than anyone can imagine... well then, I think this picture is just a small glimpse of God's anger, because of direct disobedience to Him. But luckily He sent His son so that we can escape His eternal wrath.

Now in correlation to your responses on the video:

You're sitting here telling me that I took nothing away from this video, yet one of your statements, is incorrect.

You said that he stated that creationism was allowed to be taught in public schools. Apparently you did not listen very well yourself, because he was talking PRIOR to 1963, when evolution first started being government funded, and creationism was erased from text books.

I think something that is very important to take out; if nothing else from this video is the fact of what science is.

Science is knowledge that is acquired through observation and studies.

If you truthfully believe the big bang to be a fact, that is illegitament because no body was there to observe it actually happen.

If you continue watching the video, however, he provides examples of why the earth cannot possibly be millions of years old, and uses science to prove so.

I will draft up information, I need to get going for now though.