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Re: Can you look at religion scientifically, and still believe God exists? -
July 24th 2009, 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by onion
I provided scriptures, you say you don't want scriptures.
I provided my view, which is based of scriptures. And make remarks, instead of imposing questions.
I provided sources, which you don't want.
I understand fully what he is saying. I am not the one questioning whether religion can be proven by science. You are. And I've provided evidence.
I cannot sum up a 2 hour video because he makes direct arguments against specific points of evolution, and science in general. And each piece of the video has importance. Minus perhaps the first 10minutes.
Actually you notice I never verbally(or textually if you prefer) said I did not want your scriptures. I do want them, BUT I don't want your scriptures that do not pertain to the actual question. I don't want more scripture than your words. Did that two hour video have 75% of just scriptures? I doubt that.
Because if you are debating, especially when trying to convince someone of the bible's validity. You can't fight with only the bible. What is the weapon given to you by God? The Sword of the Spirit, not the bible itself. The Spirit is within you, and you must articulate with mostly of your own words if you want you yourself to be viewed as a credible debater. If you are not credible, why should we believe you or your links?
I also never asked weather religion can be proven by science. I asked if God can be Disproven by science, though you find God in religion. Your evidence had nothing to do with the question. You only proved that a part of science was faulty, which does not mean science as a whole is faulty. The same with the bible, if a piece of the bible is proven wrong, that does not mean the whole thing is considered faulty. Neither of them should be thrown out because of that.
When you first posted with all your verses and views, all it heard was you trying to convert me(to a faith I am actually already interested in). Personally, you dissuaded me from the faith BECAUSE the only thing I heard from you was "You are a sinner, you must repent," Nothing about the question that was actually asked. Also, it was more full of bible verses than your own words.
If you want to know my view on the subject. No, I do not think God can be disproved with science, why? Because I believe he is outside of Natural Science. As are miracles.
So why do I ask this question? The same reason I do will all questions I ask here, to cause people to think and question life. To learn and grow. You are correct, we as humans learn and act based on what we think and hear. Debates are an excellent way to see both sides of arguments in one place. Many people read over these debates and never input their own side, but instead are able to learn more about the situation. I myself sometimes are able to learn a new point of the other side of the debate that I've never encountered before.
I am also pretty sure that the video CAN be summed up. Based on what was said here, you should pick out what points you most feel applies to the debate or argument at hand and sum it up. If not, then you can't use the video, simple as that. I mean you can, but most wont view it and its going to be a waste of a post. I mean, I might have wanted to view it if you had posted a few high points from it with the link, not with just a, "watch this and believe."
"For is it not death nor dying that I fear. But lack of life and purpose."
Love what is mortal; hold it against your bones knowing your own life depends on it; and, when the time comes to let it go, let it go.
-Mary Oliver