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John 6:29 Offline
Romans 2:6-8
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Re: Can you look at religion scientifically, and still believe God exists? - July 24th 2009, 08:19 PM

I am sorry if I came off rude. It's not my intention. But let me also throw this out there. You say that no atheist would read the Bible to be converted. I agree with you. But such is the same for a Christian. Christian's do not look at evolution to become converted. But is not studying both cases needed in order to understand one another? In order to understand evolution, a Christian needs to read about it, and examine evolution in according to the Bible to see it's flaws. Just like an atheist needs to study and read the Bible in order to impose arguments against the Bible.

People do convert in the process. Even if that wasn't their intention, but none the less you have to be studied in both to make arguments, and come to your own conclusions about God and science by our own beliefs, not others.

E.G. Studies show that the more you are around a particular belief the more you tend to adopt the idea.
(this is all hypothetical for arguments sake)
So say I was raised conservative. My friends are conservatives. I only watch Fox news. My teachers were all conservative. When I get to vote, studies say I will vote conservative. Which they would be right. BUT now say all of this is true but I begin watching liberal news, I blend with liberal friends, and I start having liberal teachers, and I blend the two together, now I understand both sides of the table and I am able to make my own decisions.

It's the same with education, we are taught only evolution. And "billions and billions of years" we never examine for ourselves, but we need to because without it, we will only believe one side of the table. Growing up I didn't care about God, but as I started examining, and studying it, I found truth to God's word and now I am a Christian.

This thread isn't a debate anymore. It's an argument of fallacies against scripture.

I provided scriptures, you say you don't want scriptures.
I provided my view, which is based of scriptures. And make remarks, instead of imposing questions.
I provided sources, which you don't want.

I understand fully what he is saying. I am not the one questioning whether religion can be proven by science. You are. And I've provided evidence.

I cannot sum up a 2 hour video because he makes direct arguments against specific points of evolution, and science in general. And each piece of the video has importance. Minus perhaps the first 10minutes.