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John 6:29 Offline
Romans 2:6-8
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Re: Can you look at religion scientifically, and still believe God exists? - July 24th 2009, 07:09 PM

Of course it works that way. People referred me to a book by The God Delusion by Dawkins. Someone said if I had resource that could challenge the theories of science, they would gladly take it into account, and I provided one. I do not have to time to quote a two hour long message, of which I think the majority of his message contains viable information

You can very well watch the video, quote him, and say "I do not believe this because of that". The fact of the matter is, he has a way with words, and is much smarter when it comes to science than I am. The reason I cannot quote him, is simply because one event leads to another, and another to another, and so on and so forth. One argument, proves several other distinctive about science wrong, and a literal 6 day creation, and viable evidence that the earth is around 6,000 years old.

You say you don't have time to watch a 2 hour movie, I can tell you that as much as I'd like to, if I had the patience and the time to sit through the movie and type what he says word for word, I would. But that would take much longer than two hours. If you truthfully want evidence against science, it shouldn't matter who's mouth it comes from.

For example, anonni and I have been the main people imposing the arguments against science. Anonni and I have relatively the same arguments, and thus you can assume that if I am giving a source, that I have the same beliefs has him. The difference is that he already compiled the information I believe into several seminars, and if you want to watch it feel free.

But if you are simply concludding that Religion can't be proven scientifically just because I am not sitting here quoting a man who already has the evidence elsewhere is simply ludicrous.

It makes no difference whether I quote it, or someone else provides the information. If you would guide me to a video on why Evolution is true, and why the world is billions of years old as opposed to 6,000, and that has logical proof behind it, I would gladly watch it, because I would assume these would be beliefs that you have for yourself.

The evidence is there, whether you want to spend the time diving into it is completely up to you. I cannot sit here and force you to watch the video, but it seems that post after post there is just impeding arguments because someone is failing to read thoroughly, or examine the proof I have provided. It's a two hour video, I'm sure you can find time, perhaps disect it, maybe 20minutes a day.

My Faith is in God. Now, I do not expect to move you completely to the conclusion that there is a God, because I believe only God has that capability. But I do believe if you watch this video, you will question several scientific theories that are out there today. And if not, well then I guess all this discussion has gone to waste. Although our overall goals are indefferent. I hope that through this video atleast one person will be saved. And you hope that through your arguments that there will be proof that God is non-existant. Well there's one problem with this.

You cannot prove something exists without physically seeing it. This is compliant to the big bang theory or creation theory. Someone had to of been there in order to prove it. This is a argument that has been going on since forever. I'm sure if there was viable proof that either one of the two is wrong, that the other would be obsolete.

Take for example the Earth, the Bible says the earth is round, yet hundereds of years ago scientist, and various people believed the earth was flat. Well through observation, studies, and a common mistake, we have proven that the earth is round, as the Bible says. So in this instance the Bible prevails, and the idea that the earth is flat is obsolete.

If you truthfully want science to back up a Creationist view, just watch the video. If not then I guess you can come to conclusion off of whatever you want, simply because you do not want to watch a 2 hour video. To me that just shows a lack of observation, which if you are to come to a fact about anything it is through observation, am I wrong?

Well anyways. If you want proof the videos there. If not, I guess you truly don't care to find out the answer to your own topic.