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John 6:29 Offline
Romans 2:6-8
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Re: Can you look at religion scientifically, and still believe God exists? - July 24th 2009, 03:29 PM

Re-read the statement, people know 1 billionth of everything. Not 1 person.
Watch the video's it'll provide proof for a 6-10K creation.
Again, I said that science cannot prove the God of the Bible, only Faith can do this. But Science can prove a creator.
The thing is, I am valuing my time here on earth. I love living for God, more so then I did when I was living for myself.

Yet it seems people.

Again the Bible says God allowed for this Wisdom to occur, everything evil is a result of sin, again watch the video and you will see as a nation that drifts from God, these issue rise. It seems as if you are imposing God is the cause of genocides, and suffering. If you believe this then your generally basis and knowledge of God is far to little to even argue in this aspect of the holy vs evil war. This is the general consensus of the world but the world also tends to believe good people get to Heaven. That couldn't be farther from the truth. I encourage you to find a verse in the Bible that says God causes suffering. And I say the Bible, not a human concept, because anyone can say "look at what Hitler did", and I can say, "yes but prove that was God" and you can't, because you don't even believe in God so how can you prove something you do not believe in the first place. And ultimately it is the Bible that we are arguing about so provide me with proof in the Bible that God causes suffering, and I will show you the meaning of the verse, and I can show you that man, sin, and Satan are the result of what is happening today.

The translations have not changed any core meaning of the Bible, if you believe this provide me a verse and I will disprove it. Again watch the video.

No offense, as I do encourage the criticism, but it seems you are responding to my arguments without thoroughly looking at them. But please watch the video.

Now if you want to argue about scriptures instead of logics, or if you want to argue logics of passages in the Bible, by all means, show me a verse. But it seems this argument has turned into an argument of logics, rather than the intended purpose. IF you want proof against science look no further than the video.

Last edited by John 6:29; July 24th 2009 at 03:43 PM.