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John 6:29 Offline
Romans 2:6-8
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Re: Can you look at religion scientifically, and still believe God exists? - July 24th 2009, 01:24 AM

1) I do not know the age of the world. But most christians believe it is 6-10K years old because of the Jewish calendar. The Bible doesn't tell us how old the world is, again all of these are based off History and Science, both subjects not as reliable as the Bible.

2) The world as Annonni said was created in 7 days, but as to what 7 days really means who knows. And it was not 7 days, it was 6. Also as I've pointed in verses above, science, although is helpful in some aspects, when examining history, etc, can often times be wrong, because it is the wisdom of the world, but it is also the wisdom of the world who rejected God, now you tell me how is that wise? Also as far as parables go. They are considered fiction by mans term, but are they really fiction? Jesus was God, He knew everything. Perhaps these parables were real stories?

3) The old testament is a prophecy, it is all in accordance to the new testament. The laws of the old testament are different from the laws of the new testament, we are now under new testament law because we now have the Christ. In old testament they only talked about the coming of the Christ. And in the new testament every thing the old testament prophesied came true. Which is remarkable considering none of the writers of the old testament truly knew each other. But the laws are different, e.g. we don't have to slaughter a lamb anymore on the first of every week for our sins.

As I said before please PM me.