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Name: Nic
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Re: Can you look at religion scientifically, and still believe God exists? - July 24th 2009, 12:20 AM

Question guys,

Why must a few of us more radical Christians constantly get stuck answering your questions?

We answer them, you do not take them. Why do you bother asking? Sure, if the answers raise questions, we'll answer them, but when we pour our hearts into an answer for you, addressing everything you can think of, and still say, "I don't believe you" when we answered, in truth, it feels exasperating. We've done all we can and more, through the word of God, through the Holy Spirit, we're all trying to answer you here.

Honestly it's making quite a few people feel used on here. We answer, and answer, we find our comfort in God after but you seem to only mock us and the Bible. I know there are some of you, I'm not going to say names, but some of you go through these debates either to laugh at us or mock us. That is definitely not respectful, especially when we are answering all your questions out of a selfless love! We don't mind the time it takes, the sore fingers and wrists we may get, we stick to here and answer you, in all the truth we can know.
Yet none of it has ever affected your beliefs or views. I constantly think about everyone here, why you even ask... but I know there is a reason I cannot fathom, so I leave it to be and pray, and we all continue to answer you all, in selfless love, no matter if we're mocked or laughed at.
Makes you wonder if there's really something to what we say, when we do all this, no matter what.

I guess I'm just asking for a bit more respect. When one of you asks a question regarding God, Christianity, or God's views, and we answer you with the Bible's words, which is the Word of God, there should be no further question on the subject. If you are talking of our God, the Bible is His word to us. It's our little book of answers if we choose to use it that way. Instead you choose to say, "I don't count the Bible, so tell me what God really thinks." How do you think we know of God? Through prayer and the bible, and since none of you will trust the Voice of God that we hear within our own hearts, we can only show you the bible.

We gave you what you asked for. We showed you what is, in a way, God's journal. There is no better way to know His opinion on a subject other than talking with Him. If you discount the Bible, then why are you even asking of God's opinion? It is said in Revelation 22, the very end, "I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.". You have all heard portions of it, yet you deny it with no different thinking.

I offer the very same things onion has. If you have questions even to mock me, I will answer them with the truth I know through God and His word. If you wish to become saved, all you have to do is PM me and I will guide you. In fact, I'm sure if you asked, both me and onion could offer both of our perspectives on being saved and any questions you have at the same time, if you asked.

So sum it all up quickly...
Yes, in ways, you can believe in God while looking at religion scientifically. But only if you take the word of God and apply it to the scientific findings you see. Remember God is unfathomable to us, and we know so little of science to begin with. God has given us all we need to know about Him through a book. Where is science getting you? At knowing 0.000000001% of everything, we can still know God a whole lot more than that. Science can lead some people there. Science can lead others away. It all depends on how you look at it.

That is all I have to say here. You have all had your chances for what you want, and we have given selflessly.

God Bless.