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Random_Girl_26 Offline
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Re: Can you look at religion scientifically, and still believe God exists? - July 23rd 2009, 12:29 PM

So, I´m not religious, just to get that out of the way. Anyway, one of my science teachers, who was a Christian, said once that to him science proves the existence of a God. He said that if you believe in the Big Bang Theory (a scientific theory), it proves that there is a God. Explained: the Big Bang Theory kind of says that the Bang caused everything happen, like Earth being created, and that everything is caused by something, ¨For every action, there is a Reaction¨, ¨Cause and Effect¨, so if following the laws of the Big Bang Theory, if the Big Bang caused everything to be created, What caused the Big Bang??? This is where by teacher said that it proves, to him, that there must be a God, because God could be the only thing that could cause the Big Bag! If you will... think about that.