Originally Posted by onion
Can you look at science religiously and still believe in evolution?
You cant analyze science via religion or religion via science. If you do, then you've managed to distort the philosophies of both and you result with some mess.
Originally Posted by onion
You can say we see evolution today, no we aren't. Have you ever seen a monkey turn into a human, and who's to say humans are the end product? Why aren't human's evolving? I understand it's a "slow process". But I've never seen a animal live a life span of a million years to evolve. Have you? Do you know anyone who's been around since the beginning of the earth and actually witnessed all of this evolving happen? No. You haven't. You believe what a book and a teacher tell you based off other peoples studies, who neither have witnessed these events. Take the giraffe, if the giraffe was made by evolution, what is stopping the giraffes head from exploding when he lowers his neck? Are you telling me this is mere coincidence? Through evolution he just accidentally grew a neck, and automatically had a blood flow that prevented this? The only real plausible explanation I can think of is God. I believe in the God of the Bible, and whether you believe in something else, well that's up to you and God will hold you responsible; but that is a different discussion.
Right I can guess you haven't delved that much into learning about evolution. Yes we can see it today through bacteria, through fruit flies, etc... . The animal doesn't need to live two million years even if it could to evolve. Evolution occurs primarily through reproduction, so the faster the rate of reproduction and the smaller the lifespan, the more likely you are to see it. Hence, your two-million animal thing makes little sense.
Seeing as how studies have used bacteria, fruit flies, possibly mice, etc... we can see evolution first-hand. So there goes your entire argument of "oh we cant see it". We can. Perhaps we cannot see it in humans, however, we can generalize the studies on other organisms to humans.
For the giraffes, there are a few theories. First, longer necks to reach the vegetation. Second, longer necks for fighting as giraffes have been noted to fight by bashing their heads against the opponent. A longer neck means more leverage and power, and a larger and stronger head means that the winning giraffe isn't completely screwed from the fight.
The only reason why you choose god is simple. You seem to know very little about what you are refuting but you do know a good amount of what you are in support of.
Originally Posted by onion
There are evidences of God that science cannot explain; that the Bible explain. There are things that science explains that the Bible does not explain.
What is your point? You've shown the perhaps neither is perfect or that one is perfect but we cant see which one it is. Either way, I'm not understanding what the point is that you're trying to make.
Originally Posted by onion
I am not saying that taking the Bible scientifically that you can't disprove it. But I am also not saying that you can take science biblically and disprove it.
Really? So your first sentence of:
Can you look at science religiously and still believe in evolution?
Is then just redundant?
Originally Posted by onion
In the end the Bible is the word's of God; or inspired which means in greek "breathed". Science is an invention of man, though good to study God's creation, science has been changed and altered its core many times. The Holy Bible has never been changed or altered it's core meaning. Yes there are different versions of the Bible, but the CORE MEANING of all the verses stay the same.
The core purpose of science hasn't changed either. The new technology helps science achieve its core goals but those core goals have not changed.
Originally Posted by onion
I'm not here to argue your point because in life, everything you believe comes down to faith. Just like in science you have faith in what your books and teacher tells you, Christians have faith in what the Bible tells us and our teacher tells us. The difference is one is from man, the other is written by man from God.
But the difference is that one may have blind faith as opposed to just faith. You also have differing paradigms.
Originally Posted by onion
Let me ask you: Say the Bible is wrong. So atheists, they're right. In the end we just die. There is nothing after death. Now reverse this... what if the Bible is right? Do you want to go to hell? I'm not trying to scare you, I just think it's ridiculous people try to argue with the Bible, for truthfully no good cause. It's like me arguing with evolution. Giving you fact after fact after fact, biblically, that evolution isn't real. Well, there's no credible source for me to prove this too you because you don't believe in God, you have faith in man made theories instead. OR if you try to put evolution into my mind, and quote scientist after scientist after scientist says this about evolution, well to me, a man isn't as credible of a source as God, so therefore you have no credible sources. It's a never ended argument that will be proven when we die, it's just the fact that I know what happens after I die. And you do too, you just want to disprove it.
Oh, so we want to disprove it? Why exactly would we want to disprove it while you don't want to disprove it?
Atheist you say believe there is no God. Well let's put it this way.... Science has said that man knows 1 billionth of everything there is to know, which in my opinion is a very generous estimate. So just to see this number it is
0.000000001% of everything
now let's be even more generous and assume ONE atheist on this world knows 1% of everything. There is still a 99% chance they are wrong.
Nice, now you're addressing people as "Atheist". I guess I'll address you as Christian.
That aside, I haven't a clue what you're babbling about. You've shown humans regardless of religious beliefs don't know a whole lot about the universe. This isn't a ground-breaking realization so I fail to see what your point is.
In the unlikely event you wanted to spin this in favour of your religious beliefs, then doing so would only go against your argument, which makes me wonder even more why you decided to post such babble.
Originally Posted by Onion
We can go on and on all day about the flaws of evolution and the big bang theory, but I know nothing I can do will change your mind on it; because the only thing that can do so is God's word. I suggest reading Genesis 1-2 http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=genesis+1-2 it goes into great detail about how the world was created. In fact the Bible tells us the world was a sphere. It tells us the world was expanded over empty space. It gives descriptions that no other doctrine has ever provided of creation, and all have been proven true through science.
Is it just me or did you just say that your biblical passages cannot move us on our scientific minds and vice-verca? Yet now, you're tossing out biblical passages to perhaps change a scientist's mind?
Originally Posted by Onion
So you say God is good? He is in a way that humanly is inconceivable. But if you deny Him in this life, He will deny you in the next. I suggest reading Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God by Jonathan Edwards and tell me what you think after that. And here are some passages that show that even though God is a good God, He is also a Just God. We have sinned against Him, which is breaking God's law. If someone were to commit murder, would you want them punished for it? Or would you just say, you know what, it's okay. You disobeyed the Law, but I'll let it pass, you're free to go..?
God is a judge. We deserve Hell.
God isn't exactly the best judge. For one, he's rather sadistic, bloodthirsty, jealous at times, irrational, biased, a tyrant, etc... . That's not my view of a good judge.
But perhaps you can explain this to me. If Jesus died on the cross for our sins, then why would God punish us later? We were forgiven before we even did them yet if we're to be punished anyways, then that must make Jesus on the cross rather pointless.
But then comes the kicker: you can get forgiven or pardoned for your sins if you show remorse, empathy, etc... . That's like a judge asking a mass-murderer, "are you sorry for what you've done?". If the mass-murderer says he/she is sorry, then they're let go yet if they're not then off they go to possible get tortured endlessly. That's not very just now is it?
Originally Posted by Onion
Repentance is Greek for "to think differently or afterward i.e. to reconsider Repentance is dying to your sinful nature and desiring the things for God, and trusting in God fully to direct your life.
For more application on sin read Genesis 3.
Look, I know that this more than likely made no difference to your thinking; because of sin, we look for answers that are logical. The Bible is the only truth in this world. I will pray for you, I am not going to sit and argue about evolution etc etc, because I know that I am a changed person; and I know without a doubt there is a God and that there is a Heaven or Hell. I'm sorry if you chose to refuse this, I pray that it effects you, and anyone else who isn't saved. I can state facts and actually go into detailed science on how to disprove evolution, and the big bang theory; I tried giving common examples, but unfortunately human knowledge doesn't save anyone. It's by Grace through Faith, not by works or any other means... (Ephesians 2:8-9)
God bless.
Message me if you have any questions, or you would like to become saved.
I'll speak for myself, you can quit it with your little preaching and attempts to convert others.
I guess that this also means that above when you said that your biblical passages cannot change our minds and our scientific stuff cannot change yours, you didn't really mean that did you? If you did, then why would you be attempting to "save" someone? So I think it's safe to say that you're being hypocritical on that.