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I can't get enough *********
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
July 22nd 2009, 06:47 PM
God, you're ao annoying. Faiur enough you didn't want to go shopping, but if you knew you wouldn't why did you act all excited about it on Monday and get my hopes up?¿ I know it was a silly thing for me to get excited about but I never seem to do FUN things with you, because you make me feel bad a lot. And you didn't have to rub it in my fucking face either. You got all pissy and then it felt like the two of you were ganging up on me, which isn't exactly an unfamiliar feeling.
And you're such a moan. i thought I was lazy, but you're actually ANNOYINGLY lazy. 'No....I don't want to run two metres for the DART. I don't care if the next one is in twenty minutes.' A five minute walk is a 'HUGE trek' for you. And then you moan the whole way. it makes me not want to do things with you, EVER. Being with often just makes me feel stupid and over-peppy, which I'm not really. (Well, not the latter, anyway.) I'm just pissed off at you because it feels like you're no fun any more. Why do you bother with me if you're just going to moan at me the whole time?¿
You kind of wrecked my day. I'm in a really really pissy mood now, and I hate that.
And I'm annoyed with you for never bothering with anything, never sorting out your life. You didn't study for the Leaving Cert, and you always always made me feel guilty about studying. It's the fucking LEAVING CERT. I think I would have studied more if you hadn't been at me the whole time to 'stop being boring.'
And I think you're really, really stupid for not filling out the CAO. that was actually a really stupid thing to do. We're in a fucking recession, it's going to be really ahrd to find a job for the next few years. Why not just spend them in education so that afterwards you'll be fully qualified to get a job you're good at?¿ I think you'll make a good primary school teacher. I really think you will. But you're never going to get there if you don't put any fucking thought into sorting out your future. I mean, nobody's THAT lazy. All the rest of us are doing something next year, and those who are taking a gap year are doing something like travelling or they've already sorted out a job. I'd find it embarrassing to be you.
Urgh..........I'm not even sorry for being bitchy. You're pissing me off so much!!!!!
Last edited by bitesize; July 22nd 2009 at 06:52 PM.