Originally Posted by Dasha
The feelings you get from worship. Reading the bible. When praying. Sharing your faith. Coming to the Lord. Are they from God?
Those can just be counted as chemical reactions from the brain and not actual feelings from God. We naturally feel good when someone believes in us, why not the same feeling when we believe in someone?
This very question sent me into a depressing spiral for about a year...right around when I was 16 or so. I was watching a documentary on something or other, and they evaluated a bunch of brainwaves and chemicals in the brain when the person was reading the bible or praying. This lead me to believe that all of those feelings were just something that the body produced to make us feel good on a much higher level. It absolutely shattered my beliefs.
It wasn't until I came onto the forums to discuss it because it was really sending me up the wall that someone said (and I wish I remembered who said it, because I owe them so much <3) that
it was the body's response to the presence of God.
I mean, it can be argued. But why do those certain chemicals and sensations only occur when you're worshiping or praying and not any other time?