Originally Posted by Dasha
What viable proof do we have that God really exists? Is there any?
Mmhmm. In my opinion, life. Everything around you. Everything beyond you. It's all proof, how else did it get here? But, if you don't believe that, then there's not much solid proof, God wants faith.
Originally Posted by Dasha
The feelings you get from worship. Reading the bible. When praying. Sharing your faith. Coming to the Lord. Are they from God?
Those can just be counted as chemical reactions from the brain and not actual feelings from God. We naturally feel good when someone believes in us, why not the same feeling when we believe in someone?
It's not the same. God can -use- those chemicals in the brain, totally. You could hook someone up and observe the changes that happen with those feelings normally, but it's the
cause of the feeling that is beyond us. Think about it, we've never been able to scientifically test for causes.
Originally Posted by Dasha
How about miracles? A friend or loved one mysteriously healed from a sickness. Someone you know got hit by a bus and survived. There is more food in the pantry than yesterday. You passed a test you didn't study for. Are they really just miracles?
Humans are exceptional, we don't even know everything about ourselves. Our body is constantly healing itself and has the means to come back from almost every physical attack. Its only when we don't eat healthy does the body not have what it needs to heal and protect itself. And when we don't have what we need, our brains wont remember every thing. Like the fact that you were half asleep when you saw the pantry and your brain didn't pick it all up, or that you actually talked about the test last week.
In the bible days it seems people had actual miracles to believe in. I mean, things happening in front of their own eyes that could not be explained. Food left on the porch this morning means someone could have dropped if off. Food left back then was done right in front of their eyes. They literally never saw the bottom of bags, saw someone immediately recover from sickness, saw water turned to wine! Where are those miracles today? Did the bible lie?
Miracles, big subject. You're touching fairly minor stuff, which could be labeled as "coincidence", even though the bible is clear there is no such thing. But regardless, you seem to believe these things could just happen, and there's none of the more extreme miracles.
If you don't know what a Revival is, look it up. The definition seems wimpy compared to what it actually is. There have been a couple recent ones in the States, one my girlfriend went to. If you ever went to one, you would probably shut your mouth fairly quickly about there being no extreme miracles

My girlfriend's sister's husband, (the sister with the husband have started a ministry, by the way) told me about how a woman came to him with a broken arm. He had no experience in healing anyone at all, but he's pretty darn strong in faith, so He trusted God on what to do. That woman had her broken arm healed, by faith.
Time for scripture reference, yes?
Matthew 21:21-22 (NIV):: Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."
That kind of faith is really hard to come by in this world. Do not doubt? We're fairly doubting creatures, but the ones who have this kind of faith are the ones that can perform miracles, by faith. All is not lost for miracles, the media tends to keep it hushed for some reason. These things you need to hear by people that have gone through personal experience.
Also, life is a miracle! There are billions of miracles happening
every single femtosecond!. (That would be one billionth of a millionth of a second, by the way. Our God is that awesome to maintain life like that!)
Originally Posted by Dasha
You can take every part of religions and pick them apart piece by piece and find many many flaws, and/or obvious lies. You can shout up to the heavens with curses and every vile thing your mouth can speak and not get struck down. You can take every feeling of faith or whatever and give it some cause. Give some sort of reason why it occurred.
Is there any real physical proof that God really exists? That he is not some figment of our imaginations?
Or do all we have is faith? What if we put that faith in the wrong God? Are we still condemned to hell? How can we know which God is real?
The problem with picking a religion apart is that you are looking for flaws, and therefore do not always get a full view or get things in context. If people carefully picked and debated, there would be a whole lot less "lies" about the bible.
If you're shouting up curses to God, consider it grace by His love that he does not hold anger or revenge against you. He has hope for you and does not wish to destroy you; He loves you.
And... technically, there is a whole ton of proof that God exists. Everything around is physical proof, the bible seems pretty physical to me. But I kow that isn't as satisfactory of an answer as you are looking for, because you are not searching for faith, you want proof.
There simply is not kind of proof that you ask for. What kind of relationship with God would that be? You would
have to love Him, and no one would have doubt to trust Him. That seems a little robotic and emotionless to me. God wants a real relationship, something you have
faith in, something you actually have to
I'm sure you won't get much different answers from devout Christians. I mean the ones that actually believe at least most of the entire bible. Those "radical" ones. A few of them, like me, could go on from the beginning of the bible, explain the age, the earth, the different layers of the earth, fossils, dinosaurs, now the Great Canyon was
probably formed (Has to do with the Flood, not the Colorado River. When you actually look at it, the river idea looks silly and impossible). But that's all proof that I would think you would be skeptical on, and I will not waste anyone's time.
To answer the question in the thread title: Yes. You can. Also, don't think that the big bang is science. It's not. Huge misconception.