Can you look at religion scientifically, and still believe God exists? -
July 20th 2009, 02:43 PM
What viable proof do we have that God really exists? Is there any?
The feelings you get from worship. Reading the bible. When praying. Sharing your faith. Coming to the Lord. Are they from God?
Those can just be counted as chemical reactions from the brain and not actual feelings from God. We naturally feel good when someone believes in us, why not the same feeling when we believe in someone?
How about miracles? A friend or loved one mysteriously healed from a sickness. Someone you know got hit by a bus and survived. There is more food in the pantry than yesterday. You passed a test you didn't study for. Are they really just miracles?
Humans are exceptional, we don't even know everything about ourselves. Our body is constantly healing itself and has the means to come back from almost every physical attack. Its only when we don't eat healthy does the body not have what it needs to heal and protect itself. And when we don't have what we need, our brains wont remember every thing. Like the fact that you were half asleep when you saw the pantry and your brain didn't pick it all up, or that you actually talked about the test last week.
In the bible days it seems people had actual miracles to believe in. I mean, things happening in front of their own eyes that could not be explained. Food left on the porch this morning means someone could have dropped if off. Food left back then was done right in front of their eyes. They literally never saw the bottom of bags, saw someone immediately recover from sickness, saw water turned to wine! Where are those miracles today? Did the bible lie?
You can take every part of religions and pick them apart piece by piece and find many many flaws, and/or obvious lies. You can shout up to the heavens with curses and every vile thing your mouth can speak and not get struck down. You can take every feeling of faith or whatever and give it some cause. Give some sort of reason why it occurred.
Is there any real physical proof that God really exists? That he is not some figment of our imaginations?
Or do all we have is faith? What if we put that faith in the wrong God? Are we still condemned to hell? How can we know which God is real?
"For is it not death nor dying that I fear. But lack of life and purpose."
Love what is mortal; hold it against your bones knowing your own life depends on it; and, when the time comes to let it go, let it go.
-Mary Oliver
Last edited by Dasha; July 20th 2009 at 02:48 PM.