Re: Questions for the opposite sex - Volume I -
July 19th 2009, 12:23 AM
Umm this is a question for everyone though I'm curious more about girl answers
I'm a guy who gets really shy around girls I like and my mind goes totally blank and when I try to talk to them it comes out really awkward or they'll say something back trying to relate and I'll just be dumb and shot the conversation by unintentionally criticizing like once a girl said "hey were wearing the same thing", but then I reply "anh our jeans are different" or someone asked "its cold out here" we were on a boat deck and it was cold, but I reply "well I remember last year it was colder." we had gone on a boat cruise the year before and it was colder.
I just killed those conversations. I mean I've always been slow and always been more of a doer/ shower person rather than a talker if I like a girl like the girl from the first conversation I mentioned I would always keep her gloves warm at football games when we had to go marching and we couldn't wear gloves when we played our instruments and I used to give her my coat when she shivered cause she didn't bring one. She likes the cold, but lol there's only so much cold you can take.
I'm comfortable talking online, but I still always tried really hard talking in person.
So I guess my question is and I know that every girl/ guy is different, but are there girls who can understand and like a guy like me even though I'm not the greatest talker?
I mean I guess the answer is yes, but I've never ever known a girl who likes me.
My friends have told me you meet a lot of girls in college, but still I just wonder sometimes lol.
I really shouldn't be insecure about that fact I know I'll find someone and there's more to it then personality I guess.
Thks ^_^
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Last edited by Rhop101; July 19th 2009 at 04:39 PM.